When Creditors Need to Collect, The Wallin Firm Provides Aggressive, Experienced Representation

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Our Approach

Our firm’s approach to successful collections is as follows:

  1. Don’t talk, ACT quickly. We believe in taking immediate action. Negotiation with thewling debtor has its place, but is far more effective after the debtor’s bank accounts have been levied, real property liened, wages garnished, etc. The time for talking is after pressure has been applied to the debtor. We not only act, we act quickly. Debtors rarely have only one creditor. The creditor who acts quickly is often rewarded. Our clients’ strengthen their positions by getting the earliest possible “place in line.”
  2. Be Aggressive and Apply Constant Pressure. It is difficult for a debtor to ignore a creditor who applies constant pressure. At the outset, we develop a detailed “Collection Plan and Calendar” for each collection matter, in which we carefully outline the specifics steps to be taken and the exact timing of such steps. The Plan is designed to apply steady pressure to the debtor. Debtors are often forced to relent to this persistence.
  3. Have Expertise. Collecting debts and enforcing judgments in California requires precision and well-planned timing. Accuracy and depth of knowledge is critical. Knowledge of timing issues is equally crucial. The timing of a particular collection step often determines the step’s success.
  4. Be Persistent and Patient. Every creditor is anxious to collect immediately. The most successful creditors understand the benefits of persistence and patience. Certain judgment collection steps prove their worth months or years in the future. Debtors who are currently struggling may have substantial assets in the future. Each collection step should be designed to maximize recovery both in the short and long term. Patience is critical. It is tempting for creditors to accept debtors’ initial low-ball settlement offers, even though often a much larger recovery is possible with additional time. Sometimes a creditor is most successful by taking several wise steps now, then waiting patiently for the steps to prove their worth.
Complete for a Collection Analysis

Fraudulent Transfer Claims When Enforcing Judgments in California

When trying to collect judgments in California, creditors often learn that debtors have fraudulently transferred assets to their spouses, relatives, trusts, and business entities.  Creditors should understand the remedies available to them in dealing with fraudulent transfers. In California, any person who assists a debtor in concealing assets from a creditor may be liable both … Continue reading Fraudulent Transfer Claims When Enforcing Judgments in California

Judgment Liens Against Real Property in California – Part 4

After a creditor has obtained a judgment lien by recording an Abstract of Judgment, it is important to understand the duration of such judgment lien.  Unless the judgment is earlier satisfied or the judgment lien is released, a real property judgment lien typically remains in effect for 10 years from the date of entry of … Continue reading Judgment Liens Against Real Property in California – Part 4

Judgment Liens Against Real Property in California – Part 3

After a judgment creditor has obtained a judgment lien by recording an Abstract of Judgment, is the judgment debtor entitled to notice of the judgment lien?  The answer is “yes”. The judgment creditor may give notice to the debtor by serving a copy of the Abstract of Judgment on the debtor.  Service can be made … Continue reading Judgment Liens Against Real Property in California – Part 3